Bargain Grocery
In the mid 2000’s when Compassion Coalition was launched, there was a lack of accessibility to food in the West Utica area. Bargain Grocery was an innovative way to allow Compassion Coalition to be self sustaining, and operate debt free. Launching Bargain Grocery has allowed food accessibility and equality in a food desert, while allowing the proceeds of the store to be re-invested into our local communities.
We believe everyone should have access to healthy, affordable food for themselves and their families.
40% of all food in America is wasted each year. Perfectly good, edible food is thrown out due to aesthetic appeal, packaging issues, and sometimes even mis-ordering. Compassion Coalition has partnered with growers, distributors, and large corporate donors to bring food access to West Utica and beyond. By shopping at Bargain Grocery, you are working to not only combat food waste but also shopping for a cause. In December of 2018, Bargain Grocery grew from 1,200 sq ft to over 13,000 sq ft.
Proceeds from the store have allowed Compassion Coalition to give more than $20 million in donated goods each year, and serve more than 350,000 individuals yearly.
Bargain Grocery ensures that everyone has access to nutritious, affordable food to build a healthier community. We invite everyone to shop with us. You’re shopping with a purpose for a purpose.
Please find us on our Facebook page.